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The brands included in Phoenix Milano’s portfolio are selected with a definite focus on the trends and on the specific requirements of each market.
Every brand is, above all, a story that is waiting to be told: this presupposes an in-depth knowledge of the philosophy and concept underpinning the inspirations that generate fashion collections and clothing lines.
This is exactly when Phoenix Milano’s team starts devising the brand development strategy, tangibly supporting the fulfilment of creative ideas.
A strong personality – combined with remarkable creativity and an unmistakable background – is crucial for joining Phoenix Milano’s portfolio.
Other fundamental features include: offering good value for money, being palatable for the market without being trivial and possessing an effective distribution strategy.
All the qualities listed above are interconnected.
Everything is always based on a univocal and shared strategic plan that can make the entire project mechanism move as one: that’s how Phoenix Milano supports its brands.
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